Quantcast Finally Frugal: Frugal fail. . .

The bumpy road to financial independence. . . .


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Frugal fail. . .

Back in November, I wrote about my new commitment to use cash for many purchases. It's been working well for me - I rarely go over my budget and it's been a great way to keep a handle on my 'miscellaneous' purchases. In addition, I know how much I've spent because I can monitor how much is left in my envelope as the end of the month nears.

This month I was reminded of what a great system the cash envelope system really is because I actually failed to get my cash budget at the beginning of February. I went to Target as usual (they have an ATM from which I can get cash without a fee) and stood for five minutes in front of the ATM before asking a nearby employee whether the machine was broken. She confirmed that it was (WHY she didn't mention this to me during the five minutes I was waiting for my money or actually put a sign on the machine is beyond me).

Frustrated, rather than find another no-fee ATM in the area, I used my debit card for my Target purchases and bought my groceries with my debit card as well. Why I didn't get cash back from either of those transactions is a complete mystery to me. I have continued to use my debit card for all of my purchases this month.

Which, unfortunately, means that I have overspent in the 'miscellaneous' category on items that I wanted but didn't necessarily need (wireless mouse for my laptop? Check. New flashdrive for my teaching resources? Check).

The rather expensive lesson here is that I need to keep up with my cash envelope system until such a time that my financial goals are met. That means keeping a list of no-fee ATM's in my purse so if my go-to ATM is broken again I can easily find another source of cash.


Anonymous said...

it's almost like an addiction that keeps sneaking up on you when you're not constantly on guard ...

Cassie said...

It's a stumble. Hopefully you come out of it with more resolve to keep going after seeing the impact of using your debit card. I know the cash budget it working for me right now. Good luck!

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