Quantcast Finally Frugal: Look to the right. . . .

The bumpy road to financial independence. . . .


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Look to the right. . . .

and you'll see my handy dandy Debt Reduction Progress bar, which I update every month or so. Since I can't figure out how to put the bar into an actual post (why the HTML works in the sidebar but not in my post is a mystery to me. . . .) I wanted to include the current numbers and percentages in this posting so I can look back later and see how far I've come. It seems that each month the percentage of repaid debt falls by just 1%, though my math-muddled mind seems to believe that this will increase more quickly as the debt amounts fall?

So, with that, here are the current numbers:

Second Mortgage Debt: $31,400::::$26,257 (84%)

Student Loan Debt: $61,762::::$56,387 (91%)

Primary Mortgage Debt: $167,500::::$158,016 (94%)

The first number is the original debt amount, the second number is the amount I currently owe. The percentage reflects the percentage of the original debt I still owe. The reason I like the percentages is that when I get demotivated and depressed and discouraged (as happens periodically) I can look back and see that I am actually making some progress, slow though it may be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just focus on the white parts! Very visual - and yes you HAVE made progress! Nice going!


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