Quantcast Finally Frugal: Frugal exercise, part deux. . . .

The bumpy road to financial independence. . . .


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Frugal exercise, part deux. . . .

I've been largely silent over the past several days, primarily because the thought of logging in and viewing that gigantic number that represents my student loan debt makes me kind of sick. However, I guess the first step to conquering any obstacle is actually facing it, making peace with it, and studying it to determine how best to get past it. That will be a long process, I know, and my student loan debt won't be something that will go away in a month, or a year, or even probably five years.

In the meantime, I need to keep adding to my savings (which will carry me through next year when I won't be able to work full time, due to school commitments) and keeping my expenditures low.

A few months ago, I wrote about my need for more exercise---as the days have gotten shorter (and darker and less sunny), that need has just become much greater! I often hibernate in the winter, and this year is no exception. I've not motivated myself to get exercise DVD's out of the library, and running outside has been spotty at best. For that reason, I decided to renew my membership to the gym---although I did it frugally: I waited until the gym had a 'no initiation fee' special, saving me $50! So, after a year of frugality, I'm adding a regular, $30 expense back into my budget. I feel like my health (and my mood) requires this.

To offset this, I'm going to try to decrease the amount I'm spending on groceries, as this number as inched past $125 over the last few months, as I've waited to tally my expenditures until the end of the month, rather than keeping track as I go along. Maybe I'll start publishing my budget again, to keep myself a bit more accountable. Did any of you find that interesting, at all? If so, perhaps I'll start that again as of January 1.


marci357 said...

Good luck making peace with that loan!

Agree with the need for the exercise in the winter. Hard to get it in now with it getting dark at 4;30, not to mention all the squally windy wet rainy and freezing weather we get out here! :) And taking care of your health is a good investment.
I've signed on with a fellow that cuts wood to go once a week and throw chunks of wood into a pick up truck, stack, and unload.... I'll get some free firewood out of the deal - which will warm both me and my budget :) Plus I sure need the exercise!

Whether or not you post your budget should be according to whether or not you feel that you need the accountability or not. After all, this post is for your benefit on the accountability issues!

And definitely think about a small garden next spring! Does wonders for your grocery budget!

Lucy said...

Exercising in the winter has always been my bane as well. I've found lately that keeping a calendar on the fridge to check off has kept me a bit more accountable.

And I always love seeing others' budgets--it usually inspires me to make certain cutbacks in my own budget!

RTC said...

Even getting to the gym is tough for me when it is dark and cold outside! I just paid $36 for 6 weeks of strength training class. My goal is to go 2x/week.
Looking at other's budgets are motivating for me to keep working on mine!

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