Quantcast Finally Frugal: January zero-based budget. . . .

The bumpy road to financial independence. . . .


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

January zero-based budget. . . .

Here's my zero-based budget numbers from January. In some areas, I did better than expected and in others, well, not so much. For example, there were definitely some expenditures that came as a bit of a surprise (the extra $43 for school, for example) and I under-estimated the amount of money I would spend on postage. These 'overages' came out of my budgeted 'internship year savings', unfortunately!

This month I'll try to keep my grocery costs low so that I can increase the amount of money I'm sending to savings. Also, this month I've separated my 'fun' budget from a more vague 'miscellaneous' budget, since things like toothpaste and shampoo were falling into the fun category previously. This made it seem as if I were spending over $200 a month on 'fun' when that just isn't the case (unfortunately!)

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