Quantcast Finally Frugal: Yet another reason to avoid pre-packaged foods. . .

The bumpy road to financial independence. . . .


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Yet another reason to avoid pre-packaged foods. . .

As part of my frugal adventure, I've cut my grocery bills by buying less pre-packaged foods and cooking more of my own meals from scratch. Not only does this save me money, it cuts down on the amount of plastic and other items that go straight to the landfill (even recycling is a drain on resources. . .).

Now, as if to add more weight to this, I came across an article in the Los Angeles Times that discusses the toxins that are present in food packaging. Carcinogenic toxins! The EPA is considering regulating this type of packaging (great for the environment and great for us) but this hasn't happened yet.

So, just one more reason to buy fresh foods and avoid those packaged mini-pizzas and other 'convenience' foods. Not only will they steal money from your wallet, they may also steal your health. . . .

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