Quantcast Finally Frugal: Finally Frugal's weekly roundup. . .

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Finally Frugal's weekly roundup. . .

At the beginning of my blog journey, I used to do a 'weekly roundup' of other blogs that I found interesting, but as life got busier, I often didn't have time to take more than a cursory glance at what other PF bloggers were up to. I have to say, the next six months will be the busiest yet---so no guarantees the weekly roundup will be weekly (maybe monthly!) but I do love giving a 'shout-out' to bloggers and posts that really resonated with me. So here is the first roundup of 2009:

Lynnae at Being Frugal wrote a great post about what frugality is. And isn't. I have to say, I truly like her definition of the concept; she takes all of the negative connotations (such as 'miserly', and 'stingy') and turns 'em upside down!

With so many tasks and activities and obligations, sometimes I feel like I'm on autopilot. Leo from Zen Habits wrote a beautiful post about finding happiness on the journey, rather than expecting it at our destination (which always seems to be just over the horizon).

Trent, from The Simple Dollar, writes a wonderful post about Frugality and Binge Buying, something that I am guilty of more often than not. This is the phenomenon of being really "good" at frugality, and then convincing oneself that one 'deserves' a new TV, a new car, or (usually in my case) a new pair of boots!

Mrs. Micah has a great post that reviews the steps to beginning and maintaining a debt snowball. With the new year upon us, I'm sure many of us have new financial goals that include paying down old debt. This post will help!


momstheword said...

Thanks for the links. I like to read frugal blogs, when I have time, as it's great motivation to stay frugal, or gives me a new thought or something.

Scriptpunk said...

Some great posts here to check out. Thanks

Fru x

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